Lost Wedding Set Recovered on Anna Maria Island

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Lost Wedding Set Recovered on Anna Maria Island

Keith, Karen and their two children Charlie and Katie came from North London to visit friends and hang out on Anna Maria Island for a couple weeks. On one of our hot summer days Karen needed to cool down so she waded out into the gulf to about waist high water. She spent a little while out there with her children playing a little and she tossed a ball once or twice. She dipped down and then went into shore again. Just before reaching the shore she sat down in the ripples, put her hands back behind her and leaned back on them. After setting there a while she got up and went up to their chairs on the beach where she reached for a towel. At that moment she realized that her wedding ring set was gone. They all looked for some time in the area of water where she had been setting. After finding nothing their friend Tracy googled about lost rings and found SRARC Ring Finders. Keith then contacted Howard Metts who contacted Mike Miller and a hunt was scheduled. After hunting the area where Karen thought she lost her rings Mike spread out into deeper water and after about an hour a good hit proved to be her wedding ring. Mike continued to hunt and then returned the next day but could not find the engagement ring. Mike then reached out for some additional help and returned a couple of days later with Paul Hill and Carl Boekemier. They hunted about three more hours but sadly never found the engagement ring. We are sad that we could not return Karen’s engagement but feel good about at least letting her return to London wearing her wedding ring. It was a pleasure to meet the whole family and we wish them a safe and pleasant trip home.

Ring Lost on Anna Maria Island is Recovered by SRARC

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Ring Lost on Anna Maria Island is Recovered by SRARC

Patrick, Erika and children along with Erika’s parents were down from Ohio for a nice break before school begins. They were having a great time as this was their first stay on Anna Maria Island and they fell in love with the area. Midway through their week here, Patrick was in waist deep water tossing a ball back and forth to Erika who was up on the beach. For some reason Patrick reached over and felt for his wedding ring. It was gone!!!!!!! They search with dive masks for hours but had no luck. They decided to contact the various agency’s in the area to report that it was missing and in the process Patrick googled “lost Ring Anna Maria Island”. When he saw SRARC ring finders he clicked on the site and discovered we would come look for the ring. He contacted Howard Metts and the information was passed on to Mike Miller. Mike scheduled a hunt and met the family and Carl Boekemier at the location. Patrick was able to narrow the area we needed to search and after about 15 minutes Carl got the hit. The whole family was around us when Carl pushed his scoop toward Patrick and with a great big smile on his face Patrick reached in and grabbed his ring. Erika yelled let me see, and when she saw the ring her face turned into a great big grin. Their son had been hunting the beach for treasure and was finding mostly bottle caps with a few coins mixed in. Carl let him use his detector for a few minutes and to listen to what a gold ring sounded like. I think we might have inspired a budding young metal detectorist. Patrick told me after his experience with us he intends to encourage his son to pursue the hobby. That makes SRARC break out into a great big smile. Our best to the family on returning home with a fond memory of our area.

Belleair Beach Lost Ring Recovered by SRARC

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Belleair Beach Lost Ring Recovered by SRARC

Lola was playing with her sister on the sandbar behind her family’s beach home when she felt the ring slip off her finger. This ring had been given to her by her grandmother, who had brought it over from Poland.  Lola found Ringfinders online and contacted Joe Szemer to schedule a hunt. Two hours later, Bill Gallant and Mike Shuler met with Lola and her mother at their home and began to search for the lost heirloom. 42 minutes later (Lola’s mother was timing us), Bill had the ring in his scoop. He walked it back to the shore, where he was greeted with cheers and hugs!

Lost Ring Longboat Key, Recovered By SRARC

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Lost Ring Longboat Key, Recovered By SRARC

Carlos and family joined the extended family for a reunion on Longboat Key this week. They were enjoying the day on the beach and in the early afternoon decided to toss a football around in the water. As Carlos tossed the ball he saw his wedding ring fly off his finger and disappear into the gulf. The whole family searched for a couple hours but could not find it. After giving up the search they all  came together at a local restaurant for dinner. Harold, Carlos’s uncle, started asking the waiters if there was someone local that had a metal detector. They soon learned about SRARC ring finders and Harold found us on the internet and called. A meet was setup for the following morning and Mike Miller showed up to try his luck. Carlos knew right where it came off and after a few minutes of hunting up came the ring. It was soon returned to Carlos’s finger amid lots of cheers and smiles. It’s always a great feeling when we get to return a precious item to the owner.

Ring Lost in Saint Petersburg is Recovered by SRARC

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Ring Lost in Saint Petersburg is Recovered by SRARC

Rick was playing league volleyball with his team at the Rec Dec Sports Club in St Pete.  In between games, he noticed that the ring he’d been wearing for 20 years was not on his finger!  Rick and about 30 other players were soon on their hands and knees, sifting through the sand to no avail. The next day, Rick discovered The Ringfinders on the Internet and contacted Joe Szemer. Joe put out a notification, and Mike and Mary Shuler responded.  They met with the Rec Dec staff, who were aware of the situation and welcomed the recovery attempt. At the end of the first pass along the net, Mike had the ring in his scoop!  The ring was left with staff, and was collected by its happy owner soon afterward. 

Ring Lost on Siesta Key is Recovered by SRARC

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Ring Lost on Siesta Key is Recovered by SRARC

The dreaded ring in the chair trick is no match for our Ringfinders! ************************************************ Rick and his wife were down from North Georgia near Atlanta enjoying the wonderful beaches near Siesta Key. Rick’s wife took off her wedding band and put it in the beach chair for safe keeping. When they were ready to go they scooped up the chair, shook off the sand and headed for the condo. Only to realize the ring was back on the beach. Rick found SRARC online and made the call. Just so happens Mike Miller and Paul Hill were less then a half mile away looking for another lost ring. They were about ready to leave because the surf was too rough to hunt due to the storms out in the gulf. They headed right over and were met by Rick immediately. He took them to the spot were he thought they had set up on the day before. The search began. Within 3 minutes Paul had the ring in his scoop. Rick was amazed and truly shocked that they had recovered his wife’s matching wedding band. He actually wiped a tear from his eye. It just doesn’t get any better then that! Enjoy your stay and come back any time! Thanks guys for your compassion and time!

Lost Ring On Madeira Beach Recovered by SRARC

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Howard…727 631 4191
Saint Petersburg/Beaches
Joe…….727 269 3112

Lost Ring On Madeira Beach Recovered by SRARC.

Greg was on his raft catching some wave action on Madeira Beach when the wave tipped him over. He lost his white gold and diamond ring in the surf. He called SRARC to see if they could help. Joe and Ed were dispatched to the area. After a few minutes of hunting, Ed found the ring.

Ring Lost on Coquina Beach. SRARC recovers it.

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Ring Lost on Coquina Beach. SRARC recovers it.

Jessica, Daniel and friends traveled from Brooksville to Coquina Beach for a day in the sun and water over the Memorial day weekend. They were all in the water and tossing a nerf football between them. Jessica was standing to the side watching when all of a sudden Daniel threw the ball at her. She put her hand up to deflect the ball and off flew her wedding ring. They looked for about a half and hour or so, but decided there was no way to find it. A little later they contacted SRARC through Ring Finders and arrangements were made for a hunt the next day. Mike showed up at 6:30 am and started to hunt. After about 3 hours of hunting up came the ring. Whe informed her ring had been found, Jessica hopped into her car and drove all the way from Brooksville to retrieve it. As you can see in the picture she was all smiles.

Ring Lost on Redington Shores Beach, SRARC recovers it.

Lost a ring? Call Robert 727 558 2147 for Dunedin/Clearwater or Joe 727 269 3112 for Saint Petersburg/Beaches.

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Ring Lost on Redington Shores Beach, SRARC recovers it.

Paul was in waist deep water swimming on Redington Shores Beach.  When he was home later he discovered his wedding ring had come off.  Paul found our SRARC Ringfinders website and contacted Howard Metts.  A hunt was scheduled and a team of SRARC  Ringfinders consisting of Joe Montione, Mike Shuler, Dimitur Alipiev, and Howard Metts were at the beach six days latter.  Mike Shuler immediately found a a 2019 High School ring.  Forty minutes latter Mike came up with Paul’s wedding ring.  Paul was joined our team minutes after and was overjoyed to see his wedding ring again.  Mike will also return the high school ring after contacting the school.  Great job team!

**Class Ring Follow-up**

Thanks to the detective work of Mike Shuler’s wife Mary (also a Ringfinder), contact was established with the family of Victor, the ring’s owner. Victor and his mother, Stephanie picked the ring up just in time for his graduation party the following day!

Lost Ring Indian Rocks Beach IRB, Recovered By SRARC

SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County

Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.

We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”

Howard…727 631 4191
Saint Petersburg/Beaches
Joe…….727 269 3112

Lost Ring Indian Rocks Beach IRB, Recovered By SRARC

Jack was enjoying the water at Indian Rocks Beach when he watched his wedding ring slide off his finger into the water. He located our SRARC Ringfinder group on the internet and placed a call to Howard Metts. A hunt was set for the next day with Bill Galant, Mike Shuler, and Howard Metts as the hunters. After 45 minutes, Mike Shuler came up with the ring ending Jack’s family vacation in Florida on a happy note.