SRARC Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service – Tampa Bay Area, Pinellas County, Manatee County & Sarasota County
Lost something important? We can HELP! Our services are FREE! Donations to the Club are accepted.
We will send a team of metal detector experts to search virtually any location. Some of the most common are parks, beaches, creeks and even your own backyard. If you have lost your ring or any other precious item, “Don’t Wait – Call Now.”
Howard…727 631 4191
Saint Petersburg/Beaches
Joe…….727 269 3112
Five Generation Heirloom Wedding Ring Lost, Found, and Returned in Tampa
Melissa was out putting her beautiful horse Bella through some tough exercises on Tuesday evening and Bella got rebellious and started to buck and act up just a little bit bouncing Melissa around a little more than normal. Prior to riding, Melissa had carefully placed her wedding ring into a pocket for safe keeping. Parts of the ring had belonged to her great-great-great grandmother and had been used through 5 generations of family weddings. It has significant historic value to the entire family.
After finishing her workout with Bella, Melissa washed her down, lead her back to the holding stall and put her away for the night. As she walked away from the stall she reached into her pocket to retrieve her wedding ring. It was not there. Panic immediately set in and Melissa raced around the barn, staging area, and arena frantically looking for her ring. She looked until it was to dark to see anymore then got a flashlight and searched for three more hours. When she finally gave up and returned home she got onto the internet and searched for help or maybe a place to rent a metal detector. She found SRARC Ring Finders, sent an email and then spent a sleepless night waiting to hear back. The next morning she called Mike Miller and they arranged to do a hunt that evening. Mike, Ed Osmar, Mike Shuler, and Mark Sillence all showed up as well as Melissa and her husband Bruce. Melissa explained the events of the previous evening and suggested that the ring was most likely thrown out of her pocket when Bella started her bucking episode. Mike set out small flags across the arena to establish scanning lanes and we all went to work, Mellisa and Bruce scanning by eye and the rest of us scanning with metal detectors. An hour later Mike Shuler held the ring high over his head and shouted “I found it”. We all cheered and Melissa ran over and gave us a big hug. Sadly the ring had been stepped on by a horse and was damaged but it was still in one piece, had all the diamonds and can be repaired. Thanks Mike for your great recovery.
SRARC is overjoyed to have been able to help recover this heirloom for Melissa and Bruce whom we wish to thank for their service in the United States Air Force. We are also extremely happy to have been able to serve you.